The ELES Group consists of the controlling company ELES, d.o.o., and the subsidiary companies TALUM, d.d. and Operato d.o.o. The BSP, d.o.o., Company represents the overall controlling company and ELDOM, d.o.o., is an affiliate company.

ELES GroupELES Group



  • TALUM d.d. Kidričevo

    Kidričevo has been dedicated to aluminium since 1954, when the first kilograms of this metal of the future were produced. Over ten thousand employees created strong foundations over six decades providing for a technically and technologically mature production processes. TALUM boasts modern technology in all parts of the production process. 85% of its products are exported, thus being the 9th largest exporting company in Slovenia. It ensures over 1100 production work positions in an area facing a constant lack of work positions. The company has a development-targeted strategy aiming at increasing the production scope and turnover.

    This strategy enables the lowest norms for resource and energy consumption. According to energy efficiency, the company is the second most effective company among comparable aluminium producers in the world. The TALUM Group exceeds the average added value per employee in Slovenia by 10% and meets all the environmental protection standards - IPPC and BAT guidelines.

    More about the company: www.talum.si

  • Operato d.o.o.

    Operato d.o.o. was founded in 2021 to offer system operators products and solutions that improve operational security and enable better utilization of the power system infrastructure. SUMO dynamically calculates the thermal ratings of power lines and transformers based on atmospheric conditions. By sensing every line span of your grid, SUMO optimizes the transmission capacities and improves the security of operation.

    More about the company: www.operato.eu


Jointly-controlled company

  • BSP, d.o.o.

    BSP Regionalna Energetska Borza d.o.o. was founded in 2008 in order to ensure a high-quality and comprehensive service of liquid, competitive and transparent organised trading with electric power. It offers comprehensive services to market participants, including trading, financial accounting and settlement. At the moment, BSP enables electric power trading in the Slovenian and Serbian markets and plans to expand its activity in other markets within the region.

    More about the company: www.bsp-southpool.com


Affiliated company

  • Eldom, d.o.o.

    The Eldom Company from Maribor was founded in 1991. It provides management, maintenance, cleaning and landscape service activities for residential, business and tourism premises.

    More about the company: www.eldom.si


For more information visit ELES Group web page.