People and the environment

By ensuring reliable electric power transmission, the ELES company is contributing to the economic development and people’s quality of life. While doing so, we pay special attention to the care of the environment, which is also part of the company’s business policy.

We are aware of the responsibility to the people and the natural environment, which is why all our activities are performed in accordance with high ethical standards and principles of sustainable development. At the end of 2004, our efforts in the field of environmental protection were awarded a certificate for an established and adequately maintained environmental management system, which complies with the requirements of the ISO 14001:2004 standard. We regularly maintain the system and check its operation, proving that we control the environmental impacts of our activities. This means that we comply with the legal requirements, economically use natural resources, materials and energy, implement environmentally-friendly technologies, and prevent environmental pollution by reducing and efficiently using waste. 

We also focus on ensuring safe living conditions in the proximity of transmission lines and substations. This is why we use adequate measurements and other methods at the operating facilities to systematically monitor the emissions of SF6 gas, waste water, noise and vibrations, electromagnetic radiation and light pollution, monitored by the inspection services and competent professional organisations.