Slovenia's transmission network

The transmission network enables uninterrupted, quality, safe and reliable energy power transmission in Slovenia and across the border to Europe.

Slovenia’s high-voltage transmission network consists of three different voltage levels: 400 kV, 220 kV and 110 kV. It is intended to transmit electric power from large energy generators (the nuclear power plant, thermal power plants, hydro power plants) to distribution networks and direct consumers at the high-voltage level.

Transmission network
Transmission network

The transmission network is also intended for the export, import and transmission of electric power between electric power systems of the neighbouring countries. Slovenia is connected to Austria with two 400 kV transmission line systems and one 220 kV transmission line, one 400 kV line and one 220 kV line lead to Italy, and three 400 kV transmission line systems, two 220 kV and three 110 kV transmission lines connect Slovenia to Croatia; and two 400 kV transmission line systems connect the country with Hungary.