Key data on operation

The ELES operation is entirely regulated by the national regulator, the Energy Agency of the Republic of Slovenia (AGEN RS), as determined by the Energy Act and other legal acts.

The ELES management is regulated by the ministry in charge of the infrastructure sector. Its constant responsibility is to ensure that the operation complies with the legal and regulatory frameworks.

The allowed regulated income (grid fees) are determined by AGEN RS for the current 3-year regulatory period. It is intended to cover the costs of energy, operation and maintenance, a return on the assets and amortisations. The regulated income of the current period is decreased by the income surpluses from the previous years and other income.

Grid fee elementsGrid fee elements

The first part of the regulated income is the grid fee that network users pay through payment orders for electric power. The second part is the auction income created at auctions, where we assign cross-border transmission capacities for trading with electric power. The ELES network is not only a network ensuring electricity supply to domestic consumers; it is also a transit network for traders who buy and/or sell electric power in Slovenia and abroad.

Operating revenues in mio EUR Net profit of the business year in mio EUR

Economy of operation Capital in mio EUR

EBITDA and EBIT in mio EUR  ROE and ROA in percent

Investments in assets in mio EUR