Reporting network defects

At the ELES company, we strive to ensure the fastest possible elimination of malfunctions in the electric power transmission network. This is why we appreciate all your information on detected defects in the transmission network.

Due to unfavourable weather conditions and, in exceptional cases, hidden defects of built-in equipment or the execution of agricultural or other activities near the transmission lines, the lines may suffer defects such as insulation damage, objects hung on a conductor, damage to the transmission line pillars, a tree approaching or tilting towards a transmission line conductor, landslides in the proximity of a transmission line, and excavated or wrenched grounding strips.  Please immediately report any defect that you may notice on transmission lines to the nearest regional control centre:

Divača: +386 5 739 41 61 +386 5 339 61 11
Ljubljana: +386 1 474 31 24 +386 1 474 31 11
Maribor: +386 2 429 95 21 +386 2 429 96 11
Podlog: +386 3 703 51 21 +386 1 474 31 11

or send an e-mail to

Your information is valuable as it contributes to the faster and more efficient elimination of identified defects.