FutureFlow project

The FutureFlow international project will expand its scope of operation of so-called secondary frequency control to include consumption as well as generation. It will also provide for the performance of this activity on an international scale.

FutureFlow is a four-year international research project involving 12 partners from eight European countries, including four system operators, research institutions, technological companies, and two electricity traders. All of these companies are leaders in their areas of activity as regards technology and services offered to consumers. The project is worth EUR 13 million and is being funded from the European programme Horizon 2020. The ELES company is coordinator of the project.

The FutureFlow project is expanding its scope of operation of so-called secondary frequency control from generation to consumption, and will provide for the international performance of such activities. With this goal in mind, the partners of the FutureFlow project are exploring new solutions for balancing the electricity system and managing flows in the European electricity network. If, for example, an unforeseen difference between cumulative generation and cumulative consumption occurs in Slovenia, the FutureFlow project will enable this problem to be eliminated by progressive consumers from Slovenia or any other country, e.g., Hungary or Romania. The progressive consumers addressed by the FutureFlow project will be capable of increasing or reducing their consumption in a few seconds, and will in this way be performing functions that are predominantly carried out by traditional, fossil fuel-based hydro or thermal power plants.

The FutureFlow project therefore provides a key breakthrough for the active participation of consumers in the most complex processes in electricity systems, consequently reducing their electricity prices and the dependence of countries on fossil fuels, as well as lowering CO2 emissions.

As a development project, FutureFlow will not remain solely on the level of scientific contributions. The results of its work will include prototype solutions which industry can also apply in the real economy after the project's conclusion.


Project Profile

  • Duration: 2016 – 2019
  • Project value: EUR 13 million
  • Value of ELES's activities: EUR 1.64 million
  • Source of funding: Horizon 2020 programme (European Commission)
  • Participating countries: Austria, Belgium, France, Hungary, Germany, Romania, Slovenia, Serbia
  • ELES's role: project coordinator
  • Website: www.futureflow.eu



 Final Brochure


Logotip projekta FutureFlow