The ELES control laboratory executes electricity meter controls and verifications for the umbrella organisation and also for external customers.
We perform initial, regular and periodic controls, as well as verifications of the following meters in the control laboratory:
- static reactive energy meters of classes 2 and 3;
- static active energy meters of classes 0.2 S and 0.5 S.
The laboratory has been accredited by the Slovenian Accreditation (Decision K-078) and operates as a type C Inspection body in accordance with SIST EN ISO/IEC 17020:2012.
The laboratory executes conformity assessment and verification procedures in accordance with the Decision on Appointment No. 6416-25/2014/5 issued by the Metrology Institute of the Republic of Slovenia on 16/01/2015.
1. General Provisions
The ELES, d.o.o. control laboratory executes electricity meter controls for the umbrella organisation and also for external customers.
The business terms and conditions apply to partnerships with customers and are attached to each agreement or tender.
2. Control Laboratory Services
The technical scope of the control laboratory is the electricity meter controls. The control laboratory performs initial, regular and periodic controls of the following types of meter:
- static active energy meters of accuracy classes 0.2 S and 0.5 S (Rules Concerning the Verification of Electricity Meters, Official Journal of the RS, No. 18/2013 (40/2013 amend.));
- static reactive energy meters of accuracy classes 2 and 3 (Rules Concerning the Verification of Electricity Meters, Official Journal of the RS, No. 18/2013 (40/2013 amend.)).
3. Location and Time of Operation
The control laboratory can be found at the following location:
- DTS Kleče
Avšičeva 70
1000 Ljubljana
The control laboratory’s business hours are from Monday through Friday, from 7:00am to 3:00pm.
4. Ordering Controls
Orders can be sent via mail, email, fax or phone.
The contact person accepting orders is:
- Tadej Lukan
Hajdrihova 2, 1000 Ljubljana
T: +3861 474 27 54
F: +3861 474 27 22
A client can submit an order in the following way:
- by sending a purchase order (the latter must include exact information on the type and scope of the service to be ordered),
- by concluding a written agreement.
5. Service Price List and Payment Terms
The prices of the services performed by the control laboratory are set on the basis of the applicable ELES, d.o.o. price list. The price list is available at the control laboratory’s facilities.
After the controls are finished, the external customer is issued an invoice, which must be paid within 30 days into the company’s bank account. The customer can dispute the invoice within 8 days of receipt. After this deadline, the invoice cannot be disputed anymore. In the case of a payment default, the customer is charged the statutory default interest starting from the day the invoice becomes due for payment until the final payment.
6. Execution Deadline
The service execution deadline is 10 business days from the day the order is submitted. The customer will be notified about any delays regardless of the reason.
7. Meter Delivery and Submission
The customer submits and receives the meters in the control laboratory upon prior arrangement with the contact person.
8. Complaint about Services
If the services stated in the programme are performed unsatisfactorily or insufficiently, the customer can request that the services be re-implemented. ELES also assumes the entire responsibility for any damage to the control specimen during the controls.
9. Confidentiality
The control laboratory will only reveal the customer confidential data to individuals from state authorities, such as Slovenian Accreditation or the Metrology Institute of the Republic of Slovenia. If the control body must reveal confidential information due to statutory or contractual requirements, they shall notify the customer in advance unless prohibited by the legislation.
10. Complaints and Appeals
Complaints and appeals can be submitted at the premises of the control laboratory, via mail or email. Any received complaints and appeals will be processed by the CL staff and resolved at their earliest convenience. The person who has submitted the complaint or appeal will be notified of the process and the final decision.
11. Final Provisions
The court in Ljubljana shall be competent for all and any disputes between the parties.
Any statutory metering devices being put into use or already being used must be verified according to the provisions of the Slovenian Metrology Act (Official Journal of the RS, No. 26/05 – official consolidated text).
In accordance with the Rules on the Verification Procedure for Metering Devices (Official Journal of the RS, No. 97/14), the verification is a process with the aim of establishing whether a metering device meets the metrology provisions. If the requirements are met, the metering device is protected and marked with verification designations.
In accordance with the Metrology Act, verifications are issued by the Metrology Institute of the Republic of Slovenia or an authorised entity or sole trader, a so-called notified person. The requirements for notified persons, the appointment process, their tasks and control method by the Metrology Institute of the Republic of Slovenia are stipulated by the Rules on Requirements, the Appointment Procedure, Tasks and Supervision of Designated Persons in the Field of Metrology (Official Journal of the RS, Nos. 131/04, 71/06 and 64/08).
ELES, d.o.o. executes verifications in accordance with the appointment decision issued by the Metrology Institute of the Republic of Slovenia, bearing the designated three-digit identification number “395” appointed with the appointment decision.
More information on the appointment procedure and the metrology system in the Republic of Slovenia can be found at and