Implementation of European regulations

ELES as the transmission system operator of the electric power network is in accordance with the legislation obliged to notify the public about the procedures of adoption and implementation of European regulations in the field of electric power transmission.

Power system operation

Regulation establishing a guideline on electricity transmission system operation (SO GL)

The System Operation Guideline is one of the network codes/guidelines drafted under the Third Energy Package. In 2015, the European Commission, ACER and ENTSO-E agreed to merge the three operational network codes into a single System Operation Guideline during their preparatory work for Comitology. The new guideline is composed of the former network codes on Operational Planning and Scheduling (NC OPS), Operational Security (NC OS), and Load Frequency Control and Reserve (NC LFCR). On 1 December the European Commission published the version of the Regulation establishing a guideline on electricity transmission system operation that was sent to electricity cross-border committee. The first meeting of the electricity cross-border committee on the System Operation Guideline is scheduled on 11 December 2015. The System Operation guideline will set down rules relating to the maintenance of the secure operation of the interconnected transmission system in real time. System operation guidline comes into force on 14 Septmeber 2017.


Regulation establishing a network code on emergency and restoration (NC ER)

The draft Regulation establishing a network code on emergency and restoration received a positive vote in comitology on 24 October. The Emergency and Restoration network code will set down rules relating to the management of the electricity transmission system in the emergency, blackout and restoration states. The main objective of the relevant rules is to bring the system back to the normal state. The below is the provisional final version of the text, which will be shortly placed on the comitology register, with updates to numbering and referencing where required.
