Business User News

In the news, we notify electrical energy market participants about all important events that could impact their operations.

Auction for the purchase of reserve power for tertiary frequency control outside Slovenia in 2009

All interested bidders are invited to submit, in accordance with the Auction Rules, an application for prequalification recognition and, on the basis of a successful qualification, participate in the auction for the purchase of minute reserve power up to 145 MW.

Bidders are to deliver their applications by registered mail to the Buyer’s address: Elektro-Slovenija, d.o.o., Hajdrihova 2, Ljubljana, furnished with the inscription: »ANCILLARY SERVICES – CONFIDENTIAL, DO NOT OPEN«, or in person to the »mail room« on the 3rd floor of the building. An application shall be deemed duly submitted if delivered by September 1st, 2008 inclusive at 13:00 hours.

For additional information, please contact Mr. Darko Kramar (tel. + 386 1 474 2645, mobile: +386 31 681 440).