Business User News

In the news, we notify electrical energy market participants about all important events that could impact their operations.

04.12.2009 | Business user news

We would like to inform you that the relevant TSOs of the CSE region have published a draft version of the Access rules to France-Italy, Switzerland-Italy, Austria-Italy, Slovenia-Italy, Greece-Italy Interconnections for the year 2010 – Auction rules 2010.Considering that these draft Auction Rules 2010 are still a subject to the approval by some of the Competent Authorities in the CSE region and as a consequence are potentially subject to further modifications, they are published only for infor... Read More

03.12.2009 | Business user news

Elektro - Slovenija, d.o.o. is publishing Auction Specifications for yearly auction for Slovenia-Austria border for direction Slovenia-Austria for the year 2010.Auction specifications Read More

27.11.2009 | Business user news

We would like to inform you that we have published new Auction rules for Slovenian-Austrian border for 2010 on our web page yearly auction for 2010 in direction Slovenia to Austria is planned for 10th of December 2009. Detailed information concerning the yearly auction are/will be published on the ELES web page according to the deadlines for the publication of Auction Specifications t.i. on 3rd of December 2009.All participants willing to participate on the yearly auction for the... Read More

23.11.2009 | Business user news

Elektro-Slovenija d.o.o. is informing that Auction and Scheduling system will not be accessible on 25th of November 2009 from 10:00 till 12:00 o’clock, because of urgent maintenance work. We apologize for any possible inconvenience.Thank you for your understanding! Read More

19.11.2009 | Business user news

In the period from October 19th to November 30th, the Ministry of the Environment and Spatial Planning of the Republic of Slovenia organizes the public unveiling of the amended draft of the national spatial plan for the construction of the 2x400 kV Cirkovce-Pince transmission line which will provide Slovenia's link to the Hungarian network. The presentation will take place in ten Slovene municipalities where the planned route of the transmission line is going to be laid, namely: Kidričevo, Vide... Read More

19.11.2009 | Business user news

The 400/220/110 kV substation in Podlog is among the most highly loaded substations in the Slovene energy system, as it represents the connection between the more production-oriented eastern areas and the more consumption-oriented central and western areas. It is so of crucial importance that its uninterrupted operation is guaranteed which Elektro-Slovenija provides by regular maintenance and upgrading.After the successful reconstruction of the 220 kV and 110 kV part of the switchyard in the pas... Read More

16.11.2009 | Business user news

Elektro-Slovenija, d.o.o. as the Transmission System Operator, is informing that due to technical difficulties daily auctions couldn’t be performed in scheduled time frame.Due to technical difficulties:- daily auction for direction Slovenia-Italy for 17.11.2009 was cancelled. Read More

11.11.2009 | Business user news

ELES, the Slovenian transmission system operator is informing that Auction Specifications for monthly auctions for December 2009 are published on below link.Auction specifications Read More

06.11.2009 | Business user news

We would like to inform you that with the enforcement of the new Auction rules for cross-border capacity allocation on the Slovenian-Austrian border for 2010, ELES and APG will start performing the daily auctions on the daily basis. The first daily auction will be held on the 31st of December 2009. Time of the daily auctions in the year 2010 shall stay the same as in the year 2009 till the notice about the change, if any.  Read More

05.11.2009 | Business user news

ELES, the Slovenian transmission system operator, is informing that there will be a decrease of Net Transmission Capacities (NTC) starting from 07:00 h on 07th of November 2009 until 07:00 h on 9th of November 2009 at the Slovenia-Austria border for direction Austria to Slovenia. NTC value in the period and direction will be 240 MW. Actual values are available on our web pages. Read More

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