Business User News

In the news, we notify electrical energy market participants about all important events that could impact their operations.

New Auction Rules for the Slovenian-Austrian border for the year 2010

We would like to inform you that we have published new Auction rules for Slovenian-Austrian border for 2010 on our web page

The yearly auction for 2010 in direction Slovenia to Austria is planned for 10th of December 2009. Detailed information concerning the yearly auction are/will be published on the ELES web page according to the deadlines for the publication of Auction Specifications t.i. on 3rd of December 2009.

All participants willing to participate on the yearly auction for the year 2010 for direction Slovenia-Austria (that have already participated in auctions performed by ELES in the year 2009) have to provide the following documents:

  • Application for participation in auctions for cross-border transfer capacities allocation  and

  • Statement of acceptance for the year 2010 of Auction rules for 2010

until 4th of December 2009 (you can send fulfilled and duly signed Application and Statement first via fax +49 (0) 8161 49005 550 and later the original via mail).

Furthermore we would like to emphasize that the Bank Guarantee for the participation to the yearly and monthly auctions in direction Slovenia to Austria in not required.

All new participants have to fulfill all requirements stated in the Auction rules.

Please note that all original documents for registration have to be sent to:

CAO Central Allocation Office GmbH
Gute Änger 15
85356 Freising
with annotation: “for ELES”

Auction rules for Slovenian-Austrian border for the year 2010
Application for participation in auctions for cross-border transfer capacities allocation
Statement of acceptance for the year 2010 of Auction rules for 2010