
The ELES Company is dedicated to public operation. Its news is intended for all who are interested in its operation.

BioEnergyTrain Project successfully concluded

Representatives of the European Parliament, European Commission, research institutions and partners of the project consortium attended the Final BioEnergyTrain (BET) Project Conference in Brussels.

After four years of developing new and innovative educational materials in the field of biorefinery engineering and bioresource value-chain management, two new Master programmes have been set up at the Graz University of Technology and at the University of Twente. The two Programmes focus on bioresource supply chains in different regional contexts and on the development of new and innovative biorefinery systems within the framework of bioeconomy. The Conference addressed the project results as well as the development of the two new Master programmes after the project’s end and ways to enhance the BET experience.

ELES, the leader of Regional awareness raising deliverable, is thus concluding the first successfully submitted project proposal to a Horizon 2020 call. During the implementation of the project, ELES successfully draw up all awarded grants.