"The construction of the Cirkovce–Pince transmission line could not have been completed at a better time, as Europe is preparing for the the much-awaited green transition, while at the same time such investments provide much-needed energy stability," said Prime Minister Robert Golob at a press conference held together with Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban after the opening of the 2x400-kV overhead line. The ceremony was also attended by Croatian Economy Minister Davor Filipović.
"The Cirkovce-Pince transmission line project is the best example of the kind of investment that Europe needs at this moment," stressed Prime Minister Golob at the press conference. In his view, accelerated investment in electricity and gas infrastructure is exactly what will enable Europe to become energy independent (especially of energy supplied from the East) and to switch to renewables. This is an extremely large investment, both in terms of importance and scale, explained Prime Minister Golob, adding that its successful completion is also proof that Slovenian experts are capable of carrying out such large-scale projects.
As the investment was co-financed with EU funds, the Prime Minister highlighted its European dimension. "We have to be aware that the EU’s strength lies in the spirit of solidarity between Member States, and it is solidarity that should continue to guide our actions in the future." He expressed his conviction that, following the established electricity connection between Slovenia and Hungary, a gas interconnection could be outlined and completed in the following years. "There is no doubt," said Prime Minister Golob, "that only a united, connected Europe is one that our citizens deserve and that will ensure a brighter future for everyone".
Later in the press conference, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán also expressed his gratitude for the realisation of this major investment, emphasising the importance of good neighbourly relations, as fostered between Slovenia and Hungary.
The Cirkovce–Pince 2x400 kV transmission line will ensure a more stable and reliable operation of the Slovenian power system
The project for the construction of the Cirkovce–Pince 2x400 kV transmission line and the new Cirkovce 400/110 kV substation juncture is the largest investment in the transmission network infrastructure in Slovenia and will ensure a more stable and reliable operation of the Slovenian power system. In building this connection, Slovenia has made an important contribution to further increasing power market integration into the common EU internal market for electricity, laying the foundations for future regional exchange. The investment, realised in the territories of Slovenia and Croatia, is worth approximately EUR 160 million, EUR 48 million of which was contributed by the European Union under the Connecting Europe Facility. The transmission line and substation project was also included in the list of projects of common interest. These are energy infrastructure projects for which the European Commission has outlined a long-term vision and guidelines for a trans-European energy infrastructure.
With this 80.5-kilometre-long transmission line, the Slovenian transmission network operated by the electricity transmission system operator ELES has increased to more than 3,000 kilometres in length. The Cirkovce–Pince 2x400 kV transmission line has been integrated into the existing line between Hungary and Croatia, operating as a two-system line: one system connected to the Heviz substation in Hungary and one to the Žerjavinec substation in Croatia. The construction of the transmission line lasted 23 months, from 1 August 2020 to 30 June 2022, when the physical connection between the Hungarian and Slovenian power systems was first established. Slovenia has therefore connected its transmission network with the last previously unconnected country – Hungary. In April 2019, ELES also began work on the new Cirkovce 400/110 kV substation, which was completed on 18 August 2022 and currently connects a total of 15 transmission lines. These lines supply power throughout Slovenia and to Croatia and Hungary. According to ELES Director Aleksander Mervar, the two energy facilities – the transmission line and the substation – are extremely technically advanced, built according to the latest European overhead line standards, and environmentally friendly in terms of both noise and other environmental impact factors.
In today’s address upon the completion of the project of the construction of the Cirkovce–Pince 2x400 kV transmission line and the Cirkovce 400/110 kV substation, Mr Mervar praised the seamless cooperation with the local communities in the siting of facilities, the Croatian TSO HOPS and the Hungarian TSO Mavir. He said that the implementation of the project had been challenging not only because of its size (involving more than 100 contract partners, 300 field workers, 3,000 easement agreements concluded with landowners, 120 kilometres of access roads and 30 archaeological sites explored), but also due to the COVID-19 pandemic that broke out soon after the construction began. "The coronavirus pandemic did not interrupt the project implementation for a single day. Our teams met and worked in the field even when the whole world was literally standing still," he said, adding that the Slovenian TSO remained committed to ensuring a stable, high-quality supply of electricity to everyone who needed it.
Prime Ministers Golob and Orban: Minorities hold a special place in relations between our two countries
Over lunch, the Prime Ministers also stressed the commitment of both countries to high protection standards for the two minorities living in the ethnically mixed area on both sides of the Slovenian-Hungarian border. The minorities hold a special place in relations between the two countries and actively shape the communities in which they live.
Author: Government Communication Office: https://bit.ly/3OXpgoz
Photo 1: Prime Minister Ph.D. Robert Golob and the Prime Minister of Hungary, Viktor Orban, at the ceremony marking the completion of the Cirkovce-Pince transmission line | Avtor STA/Bor Slana
Photo 2: Prime Minister Ph.D. Robert Golob at the ceremony marking the completion of the Cirkovce -Pince transmission line | Author: STA/Bor Slana
Photo 3: Prime Minister Ph.D. Robert Golob and the Prime Minister of Hungary, Viktor Orban | Author: STA/Bor Slana
Photo 4: Prime Minister Ph.D. Robert Golob and the Prime Minister of Hungary, Viktor Orban | Author: STA/Bor Slana
Photo 5: Arrival at the ceremony for the inauguration of the Cirkovce - Pince transmission line | Author: MP Produkcija/Pigac.si
Photo 6: Anthem at the ceremony for the inauguration of the Cirkovce - Pince transmission line | Author: MP Produkcija/Pigac.si
Photo 7:The CEO of ELES M.Sc. Aleksander Mervar at the ceremony for the launching of the Cirkovce - Pince transmission line | Author: MP Produkcija/Pigac.si
Photo 8: The CEO of MAVIR, the Hungarian Transmission System Operator, András Biczók at the ceremony for the start-up of the Cirkovce - Pince transmission line | Author: MP Produkcija/Pigac.si
Photo 9: Croatian Economy and Sustainable Development Minister Ph.D. Davor Filipović at the inauguration ceremony of the Cirkovce - Pince transmission line | Author: MP Produkcija/Pigac.si
Photo 10: Prime Minister Ph.D. Robert Golob at the ceremony marking the completion of the Cirkovce -Pince transmission line | Avtor MP Produkcija/Pigac.si
Photo 11: Arrival at the ceremony for the inauguration of the Cirkovce - Pince transmission line | Avtor MP Produkcija/Pigac.si
Photo 12: Prime Minister of Hungary, Viktor Orban, Prime Minister Ph.D. Robert Golob and Croatian Economy and Sustainable Development Minister Ph.D. Davor Filipović | Avtor MP Produkcija/Pigac.si