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ELES' representative member of the new ENTSO-E governance team

MSc Uroš Salobir, director of the strategic innovation department, was appointed as a new ENTSO-E governance team member. He will be responsible for the Research, Development and Innovation Committee for the next four years.

The European Network of Transmission System Operators for Electricity (ENTSO-E) elected their new governance team. The new President will be Zbyněk Boldiš (ČEPS), Vice-President Asta Sihvonen-Punkka (Fingrid) and Chair of the Board Damian Cortinas (RTE). The Assembly also appointed the Chairs of the ENTSO-E Committees and of the Legal and Regulatory Group. Among them is Uroš Salobir, strategic innovation department director, who will lead the Research, Development & Innovation Committee for the next four years. The mission of ENTSO-E's Research, Development & Innovation Committee is to coordinate RDI activities and fulfil the mandate regarding the area of RDI under the EU Clean Energy Package.

On this occasion, MSc Salobir emphasized:« It is an honor to chair such an important committee at a time when operators of transmission systems are making great efforts to transform the European power system into an integrated system that will be able to bring more and more green energy to businesses and households and, last but not least, contribute towards meeting our de-fossilisation goals.«

The Chairs of the other committees became: Olivier Arrivé (RTE), System Operations Committee; Kjell A. Barmsnes (Statnett), Market Committee; Gerald Kaendler (Amprion), System Development Committee; Radek Hartman (ČEPS), Information & Communication Technologies Committee; Fokke Elskamp (Tennet), Legal & Regulatory Group Chair.